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Amberguity undermines productivity

In a previous post we talked about Amberguity stalling projects, but when projects fail to deliver, the result is diminished productivity—not just for your organization, but for the broader economy as well.

Projects are investments, not just exercises in activity. You rely on them to achieve strategic objectives.

If Amberguity, the breakdown in communication and decision-making across the organisation that impedes the flow of crucial information, creeps into your projects, it can lead to delays, cost overruns and unacceptable outcomes. Benefits won't be realised, the return on investment misses expectations. Ultimately, this means you won't see the productivity gains you need.

Gluestep addresses amberguity and increases project productivity
Addressing Amberguity increases project productivity

When evaluating any project or when you are setting annual budgets, there are three key elements to consider for each project in the portfolio: people, delivery mechanism, and content. Each element can present unique productivity challenges.

Your strategic objectives will drive decisions about content. Choice of delivery mechanism is an area that has been widely debated and, while each approach has its merits, what matters most is that your delivery teams are experienced and familiar with the method they are using. Inexperienced teams or misaligned methods just provide another avenue for Amberguity to undermine success.

However, at Gluestep, we place a particular emphasis on the people element, specifically project sponsors and stakeholders. We understand that project productivity depends on how well information flows within an organization—how it’s shared, how it can get lost in translation, or where it’s obstructed. How it flows around and in and out of each project is critical.

This focus on improving communication and collaboration is the cornerstone of what we do at Gluestep and it means we consider the project within its broader ecosystem, not just within the confines of the project itself. To truly drive project productivity, it’s essential to make improvements beyond the project boundaries, addressing the wider organizational environment that influences its success.

We believe in empowering people, your project stakeholders, from day one, giving them a platform to raise concerns early, provide feedback, and feel genuinely engaged in the process. This early involvement can help ensure projects stay on track and avoid the pitfalls of poor communication — managing for Amberguity even if it cannot be eliminated.

Gluestep compliments but also challenges your existing tools and reporting flows. First exposing Amberguity risk, then selecting new connectors to correct for and compensate for the risk. In doing so, you connect to stakeholders much earlier than before, making them feel more involved and attached to the project.

By engaging stakeholders sooner, using Gluestep fosters a sense of involvement and ownership. Their insights and expertise help guide the project more efficiently toward its objectives, ultimately driving greater productivity and improving overall project outcomes.

Don't let delivery teams control—or restrict—the flow of information and don't leave stakeholder engagement and connection until it is too late. Talk to us and let us show you how.


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