Gluestep Guide: how to set up Mapping
Take the Gluestep challenge and answer two simple questions about your organisation, your team, or your project, and Gluestep will show you a structured map that you can use to navigate to a solution!
Remember that Gluestep helps look for problems so you can fix them.
Choose Framework Templates and look for the $10 template.
First, look for a $10 Template
To sign up for the first time, go to our Shop and select a Framework Template with a $10 price.
This will be one of our demonstration Templates that allows you to experience Gluestep in a simplified form.
Select and Add to Cart
Add your chosen Template to your Cart.
After the payment, you will then be asked to log on or sign up.
Answer the questions
You now need to set up your Framework.
You will need to choose an Organisation name, which can be a real organisation, a team name, or just something that you will remember.
You also need to name your Framework.
The demo Framework will be built for you based on the answers you give to questions where you can answer yes, no, or not sure.
The Gluestep AI uses your answers to populate a simple Gluestep Framework.
Once you have finished, select Checkout and you will be taken back to the Log On screen.
Log On and then you will see your Gluestep Framework.
Understanding the results
Your Gluestep Framework uses colour coding to show problems.
Grey - not yet evaluated, no rating
Red - serious issues, absence of information
Amber - issues, uncertainty
Green - ok.
The Framework is given an overall score to rate the situation.
Some problems will be identified through more than one cell.
The first column relates to strategy and intent, the third to results and outcomes, and the second to connections between them.
Issues in the second column are very likely to mean consequent problems with delivery or operations.
Help with Frameworks
Remember, this is just the beginning of your Gluestep journey and the Framework will need rating again after each round of actions and improvement.
For help with the Gluestep Frameworks, including how they can be tailored and adapted to your specific situation, contact your Gluestep account manager, or contact us via the form on the homepage.